Poems in Silver and Glass


The University of Arizona Poetry Center is one of my favorite places: a huge poetry library, with open stacks, where visitors are invited to browse and read. Inspired by this place dedicated to sharing this quiet art form, I created a project where visual art could live among the books.

Shelved in the stacks, dozens of cloisonné elements set into book-sized wood panels wait to be discovered by library patrons. The warm wood and cool enamel feel smooth in your hands. Each piece features a different abstract design, with tiny detail and color variations that reward close examination. My aim was to create a purely visual and sensual analog to the experience of reading a poem—to give the language part of the visitor’s mind a rest, and present them with a poetic experience in color, form, line, and texture.


The University of Arizona Poetry Center

Installed in 2021

Vitreous Enamel Cloisonné on copper with silver, inset into walnut, poplar, maple, cherry, mahogany, and beech panels. 7.5” x 5.5” x .75” each.

Video about the project
Article about the project


Funded by an Arizona Commission on the Arts
Research and Development Grant